By: Dominic Cuccia

CADRE performed at the Percussive Arts Society International Convention as part of the historic Drummers Heritage Concert in 2003. Dominic Cuccia and his wife Therese performed on rope drums and fife with our great friend Nick Attanassio. Their performance bought the house down!! We had the opportunity to meet Dominic and Therese and congratulate them on their fine performance. Dominic is the chairman of the music committee for The Company of Fifers & Drummers, and is music editor for the Ancient Times, the premier publication of the fife and drum world. His newest project, Dreaded Drummer Publications, is dedicated to preserving fife and drum music.
Dominic has sent me a copy of his new book “The Beat of a Different Drummer” which contains sixteen (16) rudimental solos representing a combination of traditional and contemporary solos. In addition, there is a “Rudiment Interpretation” consisting of three pages which sets out and explains the differences between traditional and contemporary notation. Having read the book and played the solos, I highly recommend it. It is a great addition to the CADRE library.
The book can be ordered from Dominick Cuccia, 49 Longfellow Road, Carmel, NY 10612. Send cheque or money order for $12.95 plus $2.50 for shipping in USA funds.